Dinner time!?!??!

You know those days when you look at the clock and it’s already 5.30 pm and you have no idea what you are making for dinner? Add to that a grumpy baby, and a dirty, hungry, everything-is-NO toddler. Those are not my favorite afternoons and something that I actually like doing (cooking), turns into the biggest uphill of my day. What I do, and recommit to doing if I slack, is planning and sticking to my meal plans. Nothing new, nothing revolutionary, but it works. I have a few tips that I use to make cooking fun and easy that I just wanted to share with you as a little introduction post to the recipes that will pop up here later on.

If you have or want to make some dieting goals, great! Keep them in mind. For my family and I we try to step away from always eating rice, pasta or potatoes as our base. I am also a vegetarian so my recipes will usually not include meat. However, you can always find ways to include meat if you wish.


Every week I try to have:

One soup

One pinterest/cookbook (never done before)

One super easy and quick

One day with left over/eat out

One salad based

One spaghetti squash/quinoah/butternut squash

One whatever comes to mind


This is my base. And to help me brainstorm I think:


Something greek?

Something Asian?

Something Mexican?

Something Swedish?

Something Italian?


There it is! This is what I do and what helps keeping the fun in cooking. What are some of your tricks to avoid cereal for dinner;)?